Silver Advantage Account
You've worked hard your whole life and you deserve the best! CPM Federal Credit Union is committed to providing our valued members the best service. Our checking, savings and lending options are tailored to fit your lifestyle. Visit any of our branches and ask us how we can serve you.
- Available only to members 55 and over
- One free money order or cashier’s check per day
- Discounted Safe Deposit Box
- No paper statement fee
- One free box of CPM standard checks per calendar year
Performance Money Market
- Tiered dividend structure for all balances
- $2,500 minimum deposit
- 6 Monthly Transactions before fee is assessed*
- Account access through CPM Anytime Online Banking**
- Monthly Statement
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
- No minimum balance for IRA Share accounts.
- Minimum balance of $250 for IRA certificates.
- Terms of 3 -60 months.
- Three types of IRA's available- Traditional, Roth & Kickstart
- Dividends paid quarterly
*See fee schedule for addition fees.
**Mobile phone carrier fees may apply.