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We've Expanded...Everywhere!
Nationwide ATM Network - from Allpoint and CO-OP

ATM Locations

CPM Federal Credit Union offers over 1,100 surcharge-free ATMs in South Carolina and over 65,000 nationwide. Surcharge-free ATMs are conveniently located in Target, Costco, CVS, Hess, Harris Teeter, Walgreens, Publix, Kangaroo, Bi-Lo, Sunoco, and many more! Guess What? We offer more ATM locations than Bank of America and Wells Fargo combined!!

You can also use your cell phone to locate a surcharge-free ATM or Shared Branch location. Simply text to 91989 and include an address, intersection, or zip code. You will receive a message back with the locations nearest you. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. Message and data rates may apply.

Great News for CPM Federal Credit Union Members!!!

Deposits of cash and checks are accepted at select ATM machines! To locate an Intelligent-Deposit ATM, look for the red locator on the map above. ATMs marked with a green locator are cash dispense only ATMs and do not accept deposits. For answers to common frequently asked questions, just click here.

Have a GPS system for your car? Visit CO-OP Financial Services at and click on the Locators tab to download the database of free ATMs directly to your Garmin, TomTom or other GPS device! You’ll never be lost looking for an ATM again!

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